Thursday, 9 July 2020

Akoranga 9 - DFI

Today marks the last day of our DFI workshop, which meant we had our Google Exam today.  Feeling nervous as usual before any test or exam, I found myself less worried as we approached the exam this morning.  Our tutor Vanessa  was confident in us to do well in this exam. Anyhow, I sat it and I'm still waiting for my results! It definitely seemed easier than I thought it would be, but the proof is in the pudding! 

At the end of the day we had a really cool Slam Session! Our facilitators went through and showed us a few good websites that might be useful to us in our classroom. I enjoyed this part of the day most as our sessions  were only 30 minutes and the reviews were short, sweet and sharp. I will definitely be going back through the slides to have a better look at them, and add to my classroom collection of resources. 

I've really enjoyed participating in the D.F.I this term and I look forward to using this new knowledge into practice in my classroom! I look forward to my colleagues participating in it next term, and collaborating with them on some new school projects.

E mihi ana ki ngā kaiwhakahaere, ki ngā kaiako hoki o te D.F.I!
Mauri ora!

Sunday, 28 June 2020

Akoranga 8 - DFI

Kia Ora Everyone.

Day 8 of our Digital Fluency Intensive PD, and what a rewarding session it was! 
Today we had our eighth session on digital fluency with Manaiakalani. 

The session today was based around Computational thinking. Very excited to see what this session has in store as I enjoy learning more and gaining new knowledge.

What is computational thinking?

Computational thinking (CT) means thinking or solving problems like computer scientists. CT refers to thought processes required in understanding problems and formulating solutions. CT involves logic, assessment, patterns, automation, and generalisation.

In our coding lesson today we were given exploring opportunities to give coding a go and/ or extending our current knowledge on coding. I chose to recreate the 'Flappy Bird' game. Creating and learning new coding skills today, was by far the most enjoyable task of the day. I will be using this resource and skill to teach my students coding and the many activities that can be created through simple coding. I think learning simple coding at our students year level, will improve engagement and gain more interest in our classroom tasks.

The certificate of completion of coding.
Below is the 'Flappy Bird' game I recreated.
If you'd like have a try!
Flapp Bird

Tuesday, 23 June 2020

Akoranga Whitu - DFI

WOW! What a day!

Today we focused on devices, the devices our student's use to be exact. It was surprisingly enjoyable and at times annoying when we were to pretend like we were students using the iPads and chromebooks. It was a great way experience what our students experience when using their devices, it was also great to be able to familiarise myself with the devices used in our classroom. I found a few of links that would go hand and hand with my lessons. Happy to have create a bank of links to assist with lessons in our classroom and shared among our staff at KPC.
Here is one of the many tasks we were given today- identifying what each key on the chromebook keyboard.

The other task we were given during our 'CREATE' session seemed very hard at first but turned out to be quiet enjoyable. I started my task using the Explain Everything app and quickly realised that this app would be amazing for our junior classes who are using ipads. 

Monday, 15 June 2020

Akoranga Tuaono - DFI

Day Six of our Digital Fluency Intensive PD! Blown away once again, by the mount of knowledge our facilitators know about Google and digital technology. Every session thus far has been very insightful and rewarding for myself as I am consistently learning more and more! Today we continued our journey towards understanding the Manaiakalani pedagogy of 'Learn, Create, Share' focusing on the kaupapa 'connected'. 
The session today was based around Google Sites. I was interested to see what this session had to hold as I am already familiar with Google Sites. We spent most of day evaluating, updating and editing our classroom websites. Remembering the golden '3 click rule!' Using my classroom site evaluation data collected by my peers in my DFI group, I manage to make a few adjustments to my classroom site to better the learning experience for my students. 

I understand Google Sites are very beneficial for our one to one digital classrooms, but the set up of the Google Site requires a lot of man hours to make them meaningful, engaging and easy to navigate for whaanau, students and colleagues. I look forward to developing my classroom website further and adding new tricks and learning experiences for my students. 

Below is my classroom website. 

Thursday, 4 June 2020

Akoranga Tuarima - DFI

Kia Ora Everyone.

Day 5 of our Digital Fluency Intensive PD, and what a rewarding session it was! 
Today we had our fourth session on digital fluency with Manaiakalani. 

The session today was based around Collaborate- Sites. Very excited to see what this session had to hold as I am always interested in gaining new knowledge and tips around google sites and learning more about multi-modal.

In our google sites PD we learnt the many ways you could set up and use google sites. As having experience using google sites as my classroom site, I felt comfortable following along the tutorial. At this time we were given a task to create a 'new google site'  showing your ability to 1. Create a site folder in your drive - making sure the permissions have been set to anyone with the link can view. 2. Create a google doc or drawing - where you will add all links and information you're wanting to add to your site. 3. Create your google site. 4. Add pages to the site. 5. Add a youtube clip, story book, google slide and a image. My google site I created is based around Matariki and her sisters, as the Māori New Year is creeping up I wanted to make sure our school has a one stop shop to find all relevant information they can use in their classrooms, whether it be stories, videos, songs, activities... etc. While working on this task I felt that I had executed all relevant steps, however, if I am wanting to use this resource in the classroom I need to add more detail and translate a few points so not only will I be able to use this in a rūmaki class, but our bilingual classes will also be able to use this. 

The golden rule when setting up a google site

It should only take the student, colleague or  whānau 3 clicks to get to the destination. 
1.Website site
2.Sub page

Feeling very satisfied of today!
I will be sharing the google site on my blog as soon as I have completed it!

Thursday, 28 May 2020

Akoranga Tuawha - DFI

Kia Ora Everyone.

Day 4 of our Digital Fluency Intensive PD. Every session is so worthwhile and they manage to fit so much learning into one day! Today we continued our journey towards understanding the Manaiakalani pedagogy. 

The session today was based around dealing with data, using Google Forms and Google Spreadsheets. I was very nervous and happy to see what this session had to hold as the extend of my knowledge with Google Spreadsheet is entering information from document to the spreadsheet. However, at the end of the Google Spreadsheet PD today I have left feeling accomplished and eager to implement Google Spreadsheets, everywhere possible when relating to data e.g. Collect and recording our student data at my school.

Quick tip for Google Spreadsheets:
Spacing in a cell-
If you are wanting to space your sentences in a cell 
If your laptop/computer is...
  • windows: (press) ALT + ENTER 
  • Mac: (press) COMMAND + ENTER
Using the Google Spreadsheet extension, we were set out on a task to collect our classroom blogger stats and put it into a spreadsheet and then using that data to create a chart. Upon completing this task, I became too embarrassed to post my findings and data collection up. My data showed that I needed to post more and put more effort into my classroom blog.  In reflection of this task I have decided to work hard and post on my classroom blogger and professional blogger! My goal for the remainder of this year is to do 2 blogs a week. 

Another PD/Tutorial I enjoyed today was the Google Forms this extension can be used to create quizzes, forms and surveys. 
Our task today around Google Forms, was to create a form with 5 questions, using 5 different question formats e.g. multi choice, short answer, tick box... etc.
Below is the quiz I created, in celebration of Samoan Language Week.


Samoan Language Week 2020

Samoan Language Week

The theme for Samoa Language week is 'Tapena sou ōso mo lau malaga' which in English means 'Prepare yourself a gift for your travels'.
This year's theme urges us to prepare for the journey ahead. It highlights the need to honour, respect and share the gifts of our life's journey.
As Pacific Peoples when we prepare for travel, we take our traditions with us, allowing us to share our ōso (gifts/food) with everyone we meet along the way. And with these gifts we build, nurture and strengthen our language, culture and identity.

Learn basic Samoan language with these little learners Laki and Lani.
Learn how to greet in Samoan with Laki and Lani.